Sunday, August 22, 2010

I hate, hate, hate it.

But, I'll make it.
Yesterday, Donavon (I'll have to get used to this name thing..) moved back to Belton where he goes to school. It's only an hour and a half away and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he'll be back as soon as he can. I also know that he has to be there because it's where he's called to be right now. He has to finish school and he has to do it there. I know that I have to be here. I have to be with my family. I know that he'll be completely done with school in 9 months. I know that we'll still see each other pretty often. And I know that we will talk on the phone before and after and in between everything else going on in each of our lives. I know that many people have to say goodbye to their loved ones for much longer periods of time. I know many girlfriends have to say goodbye for years while their boyfriends are over seas in the military. I know that this is nothing in comparison. I know that he loves me and would choose to be with me, if it was his choice. I know that I love him and can only believe that we'll be together eventually. But I also know what it's like being long distance because until this summer it was all we had known. And now I know that I can make an informed decision on the matter and say that I prefer living in the same town. I know that we will talk but we will live seperate lives. He will live his in Belton and I will live mine in College Station. We won't know what's going on, how each other are doing or feeling until we get an update on the phone. He'll be very busy this semester taking at least 16 hours and working close to 40. I don't have a car nor do I have the permission from my parents to drive out of town. Therefore, in order to see each other he will have to drive here in between all of the other things he's doing. Probably between work on Friday and church on Sunday morning. But, I know he'll come. What's hard is the day to day things. Missing him and not being able to hug him or hold his hand. Having something to say to him but not saying it because it takes me forever to muster up the courage to be open, even with him, and I don't always have enough time on the phone. Wanting to share my life with him but not even sharing a church, a town, or time. I hate, hate, hate it. But I will make it. I know God has a reason for this time just like every other time in the past. Last semester was really hard but we grew because of it and learned how to be a long distance couple even better. This summer was really wonderful and we grew because we had to learn how to be a short distance couple, something that was harder than we expected. But now we've learned how to do both to some extent and I know we'll only grow from here. We're obviously not done. We have, by no means finished all the lessons on being a couple! And I know this semester, we will learn new ones. I'm not excited to be away from him and it's already hard, but I am excited to grow and learn and become stronger and understand each other and God's plans more clearly. I'm also excited about other things, having nothing to do with out relationship. Obviously, if God does not want us to be together yet, He has other things in store for both of us. As much as we wish what was in store was more time together, we want exactly what God has in store more than anything that we could come up with on our own. If this is the way it has to be, then this is the way it should be. I miss him so much and it's really hard but I would choose nothing over growing closer to Christ and the only way to do that is to stay where He puts us.


Beth said...

I love you, and I admire you immensely. Praying for you, my dear.

Sabrina Bleu said...

Thank you. I love you too and always appreciate your prayers.