Friday, October 8, 2010


My new photographer: Fairlight Crumb!
My sister, Fairlight has agreed to help me out in the photography department of my blog. I only have a little point and shoot camera which is great for snap shots but not so great for close ups of food. Plus, when I'm cooking I can't take a lot of time to get the perfect picture. But most importantly, she's an amazing photographer and has agreed to help me!! So, get excited. The recipes you see on here are about to get a lot more exciting! :)


Everly Pleasant said...

Hip, Hip, Hurray!!!


Beth said...

Yay, that's exciting! I've been thinking about needing a photographer, too, actually, because I'm going to do at least one post on all this baking I've been doing recently. I've got pictures, but...sadly the talented photographer gene skipped me, alas.
Anyway, can't wait for your future posts! And for the future meals of yours I will eat :)