Saturday, September 29, 2007

John the Baptist..

I was reading in Luke 3 where John the Baptist is preaching and he gets mad at all of these people who are coming to be baptized and don't change the way they're living. He says that they have to bear fruit in order to show true conversion. So (since this is all new stuff to them) they ask him how they do that.
This is his response: "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food let him do likewise."
Then he goes on to give a few specifics to tax collectors and soldiers. But his main point in the passage about bearing fruit is to share. When we have extra give to those who have none. Be content with wages, not greedy and be giving.
This makes me think about a few things:

1) If that's how we bear fruit, how much fruit do we bear now-a-days?

2) We say we want to use our money however God leads us to but has he already told us what to do with anything extra right here?

3) I think I have more than one tunic..

Sabrina Bleu


Everly Pleasant said...

I totally agree,
I don't recall ever reading that before. That was good.
oh, btw, can I borrow that brown tunic tomorrow? :D

Everly Pleasant said...

When are you going to post again?

Everly Pleasant said...

I am going to keep commenting until you prove to me that you aren't a sissy blogger! Where's your next post?! Where's your reply to my comments???
Love, Everly Pleasant

Everly Pleasant said...

Oh yeah,
You read my comment and thought it was a joke. Uh uh.

Much Love,
Everly Pleasant

Everly Pleasant said...


Sabrina Bleu said...

I am waiting for the right inspiration to come to me before I write. Thank you for the comments... kind of... I mean I don't like being threatened too much. But this threat doesn't scare me too much since I don't expect you to put a horse head in YOUR OWN BED! But I actually wouldn't put it past you now that I think about it. Poor horse.... no head... poor me... no bed.. I made a poem!

Anonymous said...

Hey, horse head is my thing... but thats ok Everly, Sabrina deserver it... I have already written more articles than you honey. nice poem by the way... it would actually be where I sleep since Everly would be on the floor...hhmmm maybe it is not ok Everly - Rita

Anonymous said...

deserver.. deserved.. Rushing is a sign of genius...Rita

Sabrina Bleu said...

yeah about the horse head thing. she actually did it. yep that's right. there was a horse head in my bed. she then wrote me a blood stained letter which is proof that she has no remorse for chopping off some innocent little horses head. it was on my side rita, don't worry.

Everly Pleasant said...

That's the truth.
There was even a photo of my shadow holding a saw and a little bubble from the left reading:
Tragic but neccesary...I warned her.
-Everly Pleasant

Anonymous said...

I cant believe you Everly! Putting pictures of animals on your blog... and then putting them on Sabrina's side of the bed.....dead Maybe I should join PETA. - Rita

Everly Pleasant said...

No no no,
this horse died of natural causes...a.k.a. the saw was made of natural materials and it was natural for me to act that way after being neglected by my own sister.

Sabrina Bleu said...

wow. everly should be a politician.