Friday, June 4, 2010

This Summer...

there are several things that I would like to do.

One of them is to blog again which is why we're starting here. Hopefully, the other things I want to do will 1.) actually happen and 2.) be material to blog about!
Some of them have already begun to take place merely because I have more time and want to do them. Some of them though, I'll have to actually put a little more effort forth in order to do them. One way of putting forth effort, is to tell people about it. That's what I'm doing. So it kind of makes a big circle... wanting to do things, doing them, blogging about them so that I'll actually do them and because I've done them and now have something to blog about! :) Get it?
So here we go:
  • READ.........fiction, non fiction, just lots of it. This has suffered considerably from lack of time the past semester but is making a much needed come back.
  • COOK........I already do a lot of this but I want to do more. I want to spend more time on cooking new things, trying new techniques, planning out meals etc.
  • BIBLE STUDY......... I can't believe this is actually something that I'm having to commit to doing more of but it is. I have definitely let this one slide as well and that's not acceptable. So, more of it and in a more focused way, will be happening!
  • Blogging...we've been over this one already.
  • OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES..... canoeing, biking etc. I love that kind of thing but almost never take the time to go out and do it. This will be easier to do now that Joe is living here and loves this stuff even more than me.
  • WORKING OUT....... I love working out. I really do. I just have to do it on a schedule and stick to it. If I really stick to a schedule it's a lot easier on my blood sugar.
  • FUN, INTENTIONAL TIME WITH PEOPLE I LOVE....... playing games, watching movies, getting coffee, talking, whatever. I just don't want it to be neglected because these relationships are important to me.
  • And more to come... :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

yay!!! So excited for this summer! And our Bible study! And everything :)